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The gardener who changed the life of the British aristocrats

Lancelot Capability Brown invented the British landscape and created more perfect gardens even than nature itself.

During 2016, Great Britain celebrates the 300th anniversary of its most famous royal gardener and landscaper: Lancelot« Capability» Brown, with a series of events, visits and exhibitions.This designer changed the British landscape and created a style that shaped what the visitor today knows as the English countryside .His heritage leaves more than 250 landscapes located at length and breadth of the entire geography of the country, as Brown planned for its original owners, which can be visited today for a walk, contemplate nature, go on a picnic... In short, a legacy that this British, father of the English landscape gardening, left to fully enjoy the five senses.

In the eighteenth century, when the aristocrats began building their mansions, they only wanted that One person took over their gardens: Lancelot Capability Brown.Brown got his nickname by assuring the owners that their lands had« ability» to transform, thanks to which was dedicated to creating landscapes that seemed natural , more perfect even than nature itself.

Related: The most beautiful gardens beautiful in the world.

One of Brown's most famous projects was in Chatsworth House in Derbyshire, in the center of England.Other of his best-known developments is the Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire, south of England; Bowood in Wiltshire, England; or Luton Hoo in Bedfordshire, an hour outside London., among others.

These are some of the outstanding examples of his work:

Hampton Court Palace

The gardener who changed the life of the British aristocrats

The Pond Garden, at Hampton Court Palace-HISTORIC ROYAL PALACE

Capability Brown was appointed by King George III as caretaker of his gardens and lived with the Royal Family.Thanks to that, Brown managed to raise his status among the nobility.He planted a vine in 1768 that continues to bear fruit today..Hampton Court Palace is a place of unique historical and horticultural importance.A total of 650 acres of historical park (about 263 hectares) that extends along the Tamesis River .You can stroll through the gardens contemplating beauties like The Privy Garden, the walls of Tiltyard (Tiltyard Walls); Rose Garden or the garden of the great fountain (Great Fountain Garden), in addition to the impressive maze.It is home to more than 8,000 trees and a variety of wildlife, including the descendants of deer from the time of Henry VIII.

Stowe House in Buckinghamshire

The gardener who changed the life of the British aristocrats

Stowe House

The impressive Stowe's landscape and views are a must see for any follower of the Capability Brown play.It is the place where the landscape designer married and lived in one of his Boycott Pavilions. Stowe House is located in the heart of 100 hectares of gardens, 28 impressive temples and designed trails that are used today to attract visitors.


The gardener who changed the life of the British aristocrats

Croome Gardens, in Worcestershir-Andrew Butler

The first commission for Capability Brown was Croome, an authentic masterpiece .Its restoration project began more than 17 years ago and continues today.What used to be a lost and neglected park of the 18th century, has been restored in the style of the Design by Capability Brown.The restoration of Croome encourages visitors to see the transformation of the environment both inside and outside.The house will be definitely restored during 2016.

Blenheim Palace

The gardener who changed the life of the British aristocrats

Blenheim Palace

More than 800 hectares of landscaped parks, considered « the most beautiful sight of England» .Blenheim Palace, is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site.Its main gardens, awarded, commissioned by the 9º Duke of Marlborough, include a garden« secret&raquo ;, majestic water terraces, a fragrant Rose garden and a large waterfall, in addition to a beautiful lake.Visitors can enjoy the gardens, take a ride on the little train, get lost in the giant labyrinth and visit the tropical butterfly house.

Sherborne Castle

The gardener who changed the life of the British aristocrats

Gardens of Sherborne Castle

Another of the great creations of the British landscape designer more Famous of all time was the lake of 20 hectares and the gardens of almost 17 hectares of this castle of the Digby family, which were part of the 18th century British nobility.Located in Dorset, this historic The site gathers a wide variety of decorative styles of more than 400 years as a whole, whose interior houses splendid collections of art, furniture and decorative elements that ooze history on all four sides.In fact, in the basement there have been archaeological remains of the ancient medieval castle for celebr ar the tricentennial of Capability Brown , have organized an exhibition in their gardens, designed to last with a variety of trees, grassy plants and grass area, as a tribute to the influence of his work and his legacy.The castle is open until October.


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