Great Bridge of Akashi Kaiky 333; (Japan)
Great Akashi Strait Bridge linking Honsh 363; with Awaji Island, it has so far the world record in length according to the distance between its pillars.This suspension bridge crosses one of the busiest straits on the planet and was built to avoid the ferry trip along this strait with a traffic of 1,000 vessels daily.Its dimensions cause vertigo.With a length of 3,911 meters and a central opening of 1,991 is supported by two cables that are considered the most resistant and heavy in the world.
The original plan projected a mixed railway and highway bridge, but when construction began in April 1986, only the six-lane highway After twelve years of work, the bridge was opened to traffic on April 5, 1998 .
Prior to the construction of the bridge, the ferries transported passengers along the Akashi Strait in Japan.This waterway was dangerous by hab strong storms in the region and in 1955 caused the sinking of two ships, causing 168 fatalities, all children.
Xihoumen Bridge (China)
China, which has the longest bridges in the world The world also has the title of having the second longest pendant on the planet with a central span-distance between pillars- of 1,650 meters. The Xihoumen Bridge was inaugurated on 25 December 2009 and links Jintang Island with Cezi Island and dozens of vehicles crossing the Hangzhou Bay on a daily basis.
The bridge was scheduled to be completed in October 2009 but due to a small damage caused by the collision of a ship, its opening was delayed until December 25, 2009 .
Great Belt Bridge (Denmark )
Denmark is with the United Kingdom the only countries of Europe that enter the list of the ten longest suspension bridges in the world. Great Belt Bridge, in Denmark , known as the East Bridge has a length of 1,624 km and has been to date the largest construction project in the history of the country.
Designed by a Danish architecture studio, the bridge connecting the Danish islands of Zealand and Fyn was opened to the vehicles and rail transport -with double track-in July 1998 after overcoming difficulties with Finland claiming that the bridge would damage maritime traffic in the strait.
The bridge replaces the ferry service that had been the main means of crossing the Strait of Great Belt for over 100 years.Its construction and maintenance are fi financed by tolls to vehicles and trains.
Yi Sun-sin Bridge (South Korea)
The Yi Sun-sin Bridge , in South Korea is the newest on the list and connects the city of Yeosu and the Port of Gwangyang.It has a length of 2,260 meters and the distance between the towers is 1,545 meters , a figure that It represents the birth year of the legendary admiral of the Joseon dynasty that gives its name to the structure.
According to the architects of the bridge, this is one of the safest in the world. The cables from which it hangs The construction consists of 25,000 threads of 5 mm in diameter that can hold up to four tons in weight.It is also earthquake-proof up to 8 degrees on the Richter scale and winds of up to 90 kilometers per hour.
Puent e Runyang (China)
Runyang Bridge is a bridge complex that crosses the Yangtse River on the province china of Jiangsu and is part of the Beijing-Shanghai Highway.Opened in 2005 and is the fifth longest in the world and the second in China.
The total length of the bridge set is over 36km but it is its southern bridge-with a year 1,490 meters -which makes it the fifth longest in the world.
The width of the platform is 39 meters and has six vehicle lanes and a narrow crosswalk for easy maintenance and the towers are 215 meters high sea level.
Humber Bridge (United Kingdom)
The dimensions of the Humber Bridge , over the estuary of the same name and the mouth of the Trent and Ouse rivers, make it the sixth longest pendant in the world.Located between the British towns of Hessle and Barton upon Humber, its structure has a length of central span of 1,410 meters and a Total length of 2,220 meters.
The construction began on July 26, 1972 but it would not be until nine years later, on July 17, 1981 , when it was officially inaugurated for 17 years being the suspension bridge more throughout the world
For its more than two kilometers and two lanes in each direction hundreds of vehicles circulate daily that were previously forced to do it by ferry.It is one of the few bridges with bicycle lane that also do not have to pay the required toll to the rest of the vehicles.
Jiangyin Bridge (China)
The suspension bridge of Jiangyin crosses the Yangtze River in China and links the cities of Jiangyin and Jingjiang.The main bay is 1,385 meters long , making it the seventh longest suspension bridge in the world.
The foundation works began in 1994 and only three years ago the bridge was finished although it would not be officially opened until September 28, 1999 with three lanes in each direction and even steps to pedestrians.
Impress the 190 meters high of its concrete towers equivalent to a 60-story building designed by the British engineering company Cleveland Bridge&Engineering Company.
In 2002 the bridge received an recognition at the International Bridge Conference for« exceptional engineering achievement which, for its vision and innovation, is a symbol for the community for which it was created» ;.
Tsing-Ma Bridge (China)
The Tsing Ma is a suspension bridge located in Hong Kong and was inaugurated on April 27, 1997 .It has a characteristic that differentiates it since it has a double use, for the traffic of vehicles and trains.The armor has two platforms, one for road traffic and another for rail what which makes it the longest in the world of this type.
On the upper platform there are six car lanes and on the lower one two railway tracks as well as two more lanes for vehicles that are used when the wind is strong.The length of the main bay is 1,377 meters, and the pillars have a height of 206 meters.
Verrazano-Narrows Bridge (USA)
The Verrazano-Narrows Bridge , known for being the starting point of the New York City Marathon, is the longest in the US .and it was opened in 1964 to connect the districts of Staten Island and Brooklyn in the city of New York.Designed by the engineer Othmar Ammann has two levels and a length of central section of 1,298 meters which served him until 1,981 the honor of being the longest suspension bridge in the world.
This extraordinary engineering work was named after the Italian explorer Giovanni da Verrazzano, the first European navigator who entered the Bay of New York and the Hudson River and is the gateway to the port of all cruise ships and most ships arriving in New York and New Jersey.
Golden Gate (USA)
The Golden Gate is the most suspension bridge famous of San Francisco and one of the most photographed in the world.It joins the peninsula by the north with the south of Marin.
It was built between 1933 and 1937 , by engineer Joseph Strauss and account with an approximate length of 1,280 meters.It is suspended from two towers of 227 meters and has a six lane road -three in each direction-in addition to protected lanes for pedestrians and bicycles.
The bridge also transports a large amount of the energy necessary for the development of the area in power lines and fuel lines from one side of the canal to the other.
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