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More than twenty Spanish ski resorts will remain open this weekend

The season with the most snow offer is still Baqueira Beret with 157 km of skiingABC Travel @ abcviajarUpdated: 03/22/2019 08:04 a.m. 846km of slopes offer , about 30 more than last weekend.

[Snow conditions in the Spanish seasons and in the French Pyrenees, in Infoesqui]

According to the part of snow produced by the Tourist Association of Ski and Mountain Stations (Atudem), Baqueira Beret (Lerida) has the highest snow supply, with 157 ski kilometers with a maximum thickness of one meter and 85 centimeters, followed by Formigal (Huesca), with 123 kilometers with 90 centimeters, and Sierra Nevada (Granada), with 101 kilometers with two meters.

In addition, in the Pyrenees stand out Astun (Huesca), which offers 79 kilometers with a meter and 85 ce ntimeters; Masella (Lerida), 65km with 65 centimeters; Cerler (Huesca), 52km with one meter and 10 centimeters; La Molina (Girona), 34km with 50 centimeters, and Boi Taull (Lerida), 31km with a meter.

You can also ski in San Isidro (Leon), with 33 kilometers and one meter and 70 centimeters; in Port Aine (Lerida), with 26km and one meter and 40 centimeters; in Alto Campoo (Cantabria), with 22km and one meter and 20 centimeters; in Espot (Lerida), with 19 kilometers and one meter and 20 centimeters, and in Valdelinares (Teruel), with 16 kilometers and 60 centimeters.

Finally, between the stations of alpine skiing this weekend they open Valdezcaray (La Rioja) with 14km, Valgrande-Pajares (Asturias) with 10, Fuentes de Invierno (Asturias) with 9, Vallter (Gerona) with 8, Javalambre (Teruel) with 6, Tavascan (Lerida) with 5, Nuria (Gerona) with 4, Leitariegos (leon) with 2 and Navacerrada (Madrid) with 1.

Also, the background stations of Llanos del Hospital (Huesca), with 16km, and Larra Belagua (Navarra), with 13.


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