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Ten of the best streets in Spain to go out for tapas

The culture of tapas is a way of life in Spain, but in some cities, there are also streets that are a showcase of flavors.We chose five of those of a lifetime and five of the newest

This Thursday 21 The World Tapas Day is celebrated in June, a celebration promoted by the Saborea Espana Association, which aims to promote and value the cover, a characteristic element of Spanish cuisine, which attracts more than 11 million every year of tourists to our country.

Laurel, Logrono

Ten of the best streets in Spain to go out for tapas

Calle del Laurel, Logrono

Packed with bars and restaurants and loaded with good atmosphere, some Spanish cities treasure streets that are in themselves authentic destinations gastronomic, neuralgic points to the delight of the« foodies».There are many years of hearth behind them, a simbol or in each city, while others are still forging their fame, but in all of them the same spirit reigns equally« disfruton» around the pleasure of good food in the best of the companies.We have chosen ten of those streets, five of the classic and five of the new.

Calle del Laurel, Logrono

Mythical and genuine to the point of extending its name to encompass the surrounding streets and shelter them under the same umbrella, the Laurel is an indisputable mecca of tapas accompanied, as it could not be otherwise, good wines from Rioja.I also know her as« the path of elephants» since whoever ventures into it usually ends« trompa».Here, mostly classic skewers are offered; even some bars are so specialized that they only serve a variety, as is the case of the famous Soriano, which only makes the skewer of grilled mushrooms with shrimp.That is, absolutely masterful.

August 31, San Sebastian

Ten of the best streets in Spain to go out for tapas

The historic center of San Sebastian, in the middle of the pintxos route

In Donosti there is really no single area of ​​tapas, but the one of reference is the one that has the street August 31 as an axis, in the heart of the Casco Viejo.Its name evokes a sad ephemeride such as the date on which a terrifying fire destroyed the city of San Sebastian in 1813 leaving very few streets safe and among them is now a place of pilgrimage On both sides of its pedestrian path the bars follow one after another, each with a more spectacular display on its bars full of appetizing&l aquo; pintxos&raquo ;.

[Ten of the best pintxos bars in San Sebastian]

Navas, Granada

Ten of the best streets in Spain to go out for tapas

Ambience on a bridge in Navas-RAMON L.Street.PEREZ

At the foot of the Alhambra, it is not easy to choose a single street in Granada to surrender to the culture of tapas and also without risk to the pocket since as a rule, as in Andalusia, they are included with the drinks that do not usually exceed two euros or two and a half euros.Among the most acclaimed (and crowded) of this street are the Bar Los Diamantes, with seventy-five years of experience and specialized in fried fish.

[Seven good restaurants to eat in Granada]

Plaza de San Martin, Leon

Ten of the best streets in Spain to go out for tapas

Tapas in the Barrio Humedo de Leon

Formerly it was known as the Plaza de las Tiendas for the large number of businesses it concentrates but now they could rather be called the« Plaza de los Bares» , with what is an unmissable meeting point before following the route through the rest of the Humid Quarter of Leon.Los Cazurros Tavern, with a typical Leon decoration, is known for the abundance and quality of its tapas, some of them with the sausages of the earth as protagonists.

Rua do Franco, Santiago

Ten of the best streets in Spain to go out for tapas

Rua Do Franco, in Santiago de Compostela

A few meters from the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela and directly connected to the Plaza del Obradoiro,« el Franco&raquo ;, as it is also called, is another festival of bars that are pure hot spots in which local mix , tourists and pilgrims.Since the Middle Ages, this street had a good number of taverns and bars where the best of Galician cuisine, such as empanadas, sausages and octopus, is still being served today.

Ponzano, Madrid

Ten of the best streets in Spain to go out for tapas

El Doble, at number 58 of Ponzano Street in Madrid-Maya Balanya

Ponzano Street, in Madrid, is an example of an urban space specialized in pleasing the palate.streets for« foodies» (English term that has gained fame and describes the new passionate about food) throughout Spain that begin to forge their own history, beyond the classic areas of tapas.We will see some of them.

Ponzano , Madrid

Few can question that this street has positioned itself in a very short time as one of the main arteries« gastro» from the capital.Here tapas bars are mixed with more or less formal restaurants and, the best: each with a well differentiated concept.For example: Cutting Room recreates a butcher shop; Lambuzo is a small Cadiz embassy; El Trajin is a bar of signature skewers while La Contrasena puts the spot more« newyorker» in terms of decoration and eclecticism.

Passeig de Sant Joan, Barcelona

Ten of the best streets in Spain to go out for tapas

La Granja Petitbo

Until not long ago, almost nobody paid attention to this wide and beautiful street of modernist facades to the Dreta de l' Eixample but now more and more people hear about it and the locals that mark it.It's enough to mention the fact that more than 45 stores have opened here in the last two years.There are all types: for breakfast or brunch, like La Granja Petitbo; to lengthen the appetizer based on vermouths or to have a lot of fun with the mixes of influences and the good humor of Chicha and Limona.

[Ten restaurants in Barcelona to get it right]

Sueca, Valencia

Ten of the best streets in Spain to go out for tapas

El Almacen, in Valencia

If there is a neighborhood that has managed to reinvent itself, that is Ruzafa.From an old Arab recreation garden to a popular and working-class neighborhood to end up being an alternative neighborhood that sets a trend in throughout Europe.Among galleries, designer studios and author stores, there is still plenty of room for bars, restaurants and cafes with something special.As Malmo, who pioneered bringing quality vegetarian cuisine to Valencia, or El Almacen, where you can try original potato tortillas in coulant format or brave potatoes in waffle format.

Alameda de Hercules, Sevilla

Ten of the best streets in Spain to go out for tapas

Taberna Mahareta, in Seville

No area in the center of Seville has undergone a transformation as striking as the Alameda.The decline of just two decades ago has given way to a new dimension based on a much cleaner urban space around which dozens of terrace bars coexist, whether traditional, creative or of international inspiration.One of the last to arrive is the Mahareta Tavern to praise the classics of Sevillian cuisine such as the montaditos de pringa or the Russian salad in tapas or portions format.

[Eight restaurants in Seville where to eat really well]

Pizarro, Caceres

Ten of the best streets in Spain to go out for tapas

El Pequeno Gin, in Pizarro de Caceres street

The last one in incorp pray-or rather: return-to the gastronomic map of the historic center of Caceres is this street that has been recovering all its activity for a couple of years.The one that was the gastronomic capital of Spain in 2015 already has about twenty bars alone in this street, ideal for move from one to another trying different tapas and end the afternoon or evening with a good cocktail in places as pleasant as« The Little Gin» o« Captain Haddock&raquo ;.


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