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Bauhaus: the school of architecture and design that created the total work of art

A route through the key buildings of the Bauhaus school, founded by Walter Gropius in Wiemar (Germany) on April 1, 1919

The year 2019 marks the centenary of the Bauhaus Foundation, the school that profoundly reformulated the concept of I design through the concept of Gesamtkunstwerk, « total work of art» , synthesizing the fine arts and applied arts, architecture and design, dance and theater.It was founded by the architect Walter Gropius on April 1, 1919 in Weimar, a city that was one of the cultural and political engines of the defeated Germany just out of World War I, and where it remained established until 1925.Then he settled in Dessau and had a brief Berlin phase.The triumph of National Socialism forced its dissolution in 1933


Gropius summoned important artists to practice as teachers of the Weimar Staatliches Bauhaus.Among them, Paul Klee and Wassily K andinsky .The newly born school claimed the materialization of an art destined to serve society and the suppression of the divisions between the different disciplines of craftsmanship.Supported in a plural and open pedagogical concept, the Bauhaus was gradually defining a pragmatic and functional attitude towards the design from which numerous pieces that today are considered classic were born.The victory of the political party Thuringer Ordungsbund forced the transfer of the school to Dessau in 1925.

The building that housed the school between those years it is still open and active, hosting the Faculty of Art and Design and as the headquarters of the Bauhaus-Universitat Weimar.Initially planned as the headquarters of the Grand Saxon Ducal School of Applied Arts, it was built between 1905 and 1906 and expanded in 1911 according to plans by Henry van de Velde, who integrated in the outstanding form and function.

To know thoroughly the activity of experimentation and inno Vacion that students and teachers developed in it, it is essential to visit the new Bauhaus Weimar Museum, which opens next April 6 and in which you want to put in dialogue the history and legacy of the school with the present; as well as the permanent exhibition on the pioneers of the Bauhaus of the Neues Museum Weimar.


Bauhaus: the school of architecture and design that created the total work of art

Building of the Bauhaus in Dessau, by Walter Gropius (1925-26)

The industrial spirit of Dessau offered the perfect environment for the new Bauhaus, which brought to it to the fullest the potential offered by the union of art and technology.The Bauhaus building opened in 1926 and the homes for teachers designed by Gropius constitute milestones of modern architecture and are a must stop to learn about the history of the school, which during that period brings together the most important colony of artists of the moment and whose prestige transcended the borders of Germany.

Discover and understand the transcendence and energy of this period will be possible through the more than 40,000 objects that will illustrate how er to daily life, workshops, production, advertising, clothing, crafts, the role of women in school... that can be visited at the Bauhaus Museum Dessau , designed by the Barcelona team of architects addenda, and that will open its doors on September 8 this year.

Dessau was the scene of changes in the direction of the Bauhaus: in 1928, Hannes Mayer was appointed new director.He relieved him in 193 0 Ludwig Mies van de Rohe.


Bauhaus: the school of architecture and design that created the total work of art

Bauhaus Archive and Design Museum , Berlin

The school in Dessau was closed on September 30, 1932.The reason was again, and despite Van der Rohe's attempts to totally depoliticize the Bauhaus, again the triumph of a political party, this time that of the National Socialist.The school moved to Berlin, settling in an old abandoned factory.A search on April 11, 1933 culminated in the sealing of the school and the arrest of several The repression of Hitler's party and the lack of budget finally forced its closure July 20, 1933, forcing most of its teachers into exile.

Despite this ephemeral presence in the city, in Berlin is the largest archive on the history of the Bauhaus, the Bauhaus Archiv/Museum fur Gestaltung , which began to be renovated and expanded with a new building last year.It is expected to be reopened by 2020.« Original Bauhaus&raquo ;, a memorial exhibition of the centenary of the school, may visit the Berlinische Galerie between September this year and January next year.


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