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Six of the best chefs of the moment, awarded for prestige of Spanish cuisine abroad

Jordi Roca, Quique Dacosta, Angel Leon, Nacho Manzano, Ricardo Sanz and Gorka Txapartegi receive the 2013 Chef Millesime Award

The pastry chef Jordi Roca and the chefs Quique Dacosta , Angel Leon, Nacho Manzano, Ricardo Sanz and Gorka Txapartegi , which total eleven Michelin stars, have received in Madrid the prize Chef Millesime 2013 for their contribution to the international prestige of the Spanish cuisine.

In this fourth edition, we chose to divide Spain into six areas and choose the winner of each one, instead of giving a unique prize that resulted " a bit bittersweet for the finalists, "the president of the Millesime Club, Manuel Quintanero, told Efe today.

The jury of the Chef Millesime by Cruzcampo 2013 awards, chaired by the president of the Real Academia de Gastronomia , Rafael Anson, and composed of critics and specialized journalists, has selected The chefs who "work to make Spanish cuisine continue to live this wonderful Golden Age," he added.

Gastronomy&appreciated and enjoyed»

Quintanero has pointed out that, Although in Spain gastronomy is "appreciated and enjoyed", abroad it forms "one of the great assets of our country" for being considered "the quintessential cuisine of the world" .

For Jordi Roca, the youngest of the three brothers at the head of El Celler de Can Roca (Girona), this award comes to round off a "very beautiful" weeks: those lived after being recognized as the best restaurant in the world by the British magazine Restaurant.

"We have received the warmth of all colleagues and our fellow citizens, it has been fantastic.And now to take it naturally, because they recognize your work to maximum level is the most, but you also have to take it with distance so that it affects you the minimum, "he told Efe.

The master pastry chef has recognized that "creating avant-garde in the world of sweetness is as complicated as in the kitchen", although he naturally presents creations that translate the scents of a perfume or vice versa.Together with perfumer Agustin Vidal He has created Nuvol de Llimona, a fragrance based on one of his elaborations.

Or an ice cream of mother dough presented on a plate "shaped like a dough of bread that breathes, that moves, to emphasize more in the issue of resting mass; a girl who has a lot of hook, "he details.

Dacosta also lives" super happy "moments.In November, he won the third Michelin star for Quique Dacosta Restaurante (Denia, Alicante), which has risen 14 places in the list of the 50 best restaurants in the world to rise in 26, and now the Millesime.

These "guarantees" to their work have contributed to "an important flow of public national and international ", he refers to Efe, and they encourage him to continue fighting to make Denia" the gastronomic epicenter of the world ".

To contribute to the progression of Spanish cuisine, Dacosta defends that more should come out abroad by prestigious chefs: "France, Italy and Japan have already done it, and now Peru.Spain has to set up gastronomic tourism offices in the most important cities in the world".

A Nacho Manzano receives the award on the twentieth anniversary of Casa Marcial (Arriondas, Asturias), with two stars Michelin, "an excellent way to celebrate it."

Manzano has proven in his three restaurants in London the success of Spanish cuisine but, above all, "the prestige is given by the profession colleagues who admire us and they look at Spain ".

" Gastronomy and sport are two of the arguments that make Spain different, that prestige it.And the kitchen attracts a lot of tourism, that's why you have to support it a lot, since it is beneficial for everyone, "he says.

The A Poniente restaurant (El Puerto de Santamaria, Cadiz) of Angel Leon was designated as one of the ten most recommended on the planet by The New York Times and has a Michelin star that endorse the work of the "chef of the sea" with new products such as plankton, marine sausages or the microalgae that sweeten.

For Leon, this award "is wonderful, it is strength, it is a stimulus for the team", and Spanish cuisine, in these "gray moments", the "best trend to sell the country s, a good train that pulls with enthusiasm, creativity, innovation and avant-garde and that allows Spain to be seen abroad in a different way, "says Efe.

Gorka Txapartegi, who runs with his two brothers La Alameda (Hondarribia, Guipuzcoa) with a Michelin star, believes that Spanish cuisine remains at the forefront because "it is very rich and varied in each autonomous community" and has done "a very good work of innovation and development ".

Ricardo Sanz, from the Kabuki Wellington restaurant in Madrid , with a Michelin star, launches a challenge:" I would like the 'boom' who lives the Spanish cuisine serve to raise the average level of the restoration of the country, which is a pending subject ".


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