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BRIDGE OF VIZCAYA: The world's first ferry bridge: 125 years of success

The suspension bridge linking Portugalete and Guecho is one of the great monuments of the Industrial Revolution and one of the few representative survivors of that era Adrian MateosBilbao Updated: 04/08/2018 03: 09h

A few meters from the mouth of the Ria de Bilbao stands one of the last vestiges of the European industrial revolution.After 125 years of history, however, the beauty and validity of the Portugalete Bridge remain intact.The Biscayan administration celebrates the anniversary of the hanging car, one of the culminating works of the architect Alberto de Palacio , whose construction would be decisive for the future of the territory.

[The eight rare and beautiful remaining ferry bridges in the world]

BRIDGE OF VIZCAYA: The world's first ferry bridge: 125 years of success

The spectacular structure of Hie rro and steel cables to fix this structure astonished the world

The bridge, an iron infrastructure 61 meters high and 160 long, remains one of the main tourist attractions of Biscay, although its main function it was to connect the municipalities of Portugalete and Guecho during the stage of greater industrial fervor.Two« separated worlds&raquo ;, in the words of the Basque Minister of Commerce, Alfredo Retortillo, who at that time presented great contrasts economic and social.

« The new Euskadi emerged with the Suspension Bridge&raquo ;, sentenced the socialist leader during the anniversary ceremony of a viaduct that opened in July 1893 and which became the first ferry wagon in history.A« symbol&raquo ;, point from the company that manages it, with which a period of« extraordinary economic activity» began in Vizcaya linked to the exploitation of iron:« It was considered from the outset as the arc of triumph of this nascent industrial civilization&raquo ;, argue.

Cultural engine

BRIDGE OF VIZCAYA: The world's first ferry bridge: 125 years of success

The transfer mechanism (wagon, carriage and rail) It was a very original idea

Beyond its weight in the history of the province, the Suspension Bridge remains a window of the Basque Country abroad.Its exceptional views, aesthetic beauty and functionality did not go unnoticed by the Committee Unesco World Cup, which in 2006 declared it World Heritage .

It is not surprising, therefore, that every year it becomes the meeting point of hundreds of thousands of tourists.In fact, as one of the informative posters located inside the viaduct says, since its construction They have crossed more people than those who live in the United States and the European Union:« It is a gateway to Vizcaya and exit to the world&raquo ;, underlines the mayor of Guecho, Imanol Landa, who recalls that the architect Norman Foster himself defined the bridge as« a work that transcends time&raquo ;.

Today, infrastructure management is exercised by the company The Ferry of Biscay , which offers the possibility of crossing the river through the catwalk or a boat at economic prices, while organizing guided tours to get to know its history first hand.Throughout this year, as part of the celebration of its 125th anniversary, The bridge will also host different types of sports, cultural and recreational exhibitions.

BRIDGE OF VIZCAYA: The world's first ferry bridge: 125 years of success

Historical image of the bridge-TRANSBORDADOR DE VIZCAYA


The Suspension Bridge, declared World Heritage by Unesco in 2006, celebrated July 28, 125 years presiding over the mouth of the Nervion turned into an authentic tourist icon, but without forgetting the end for which it was built: to unite both margins of the Ria de Bilbao, between Portugalete and Getxo.

After more than three years of work, the bridge, designed by the Biscay architect Alberto Palacio Elissaguey, was inaugurated on July 28, 1893 and became the first bridge Ferry of the world of metal structure and example for those who came later.


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