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Is Paris Still a Haven for Black Americans?

My father, a bookish atramentous man old abundant to be my grandfather, grew up in Texas while it was still a absolute state.As anon as he could, he got himself far abundant abroad from there to awning the walls of his abstraction with photographs of his attack to destinations as alien as Poland and Mali.As far aback as I can remember, he was assertive that the one abode in the apple absolutely account traveling was Paris.Being a child, I accustomed the affirmation at face value—mostly because of the way his eyes lit up if he batten of this city-limits that was annihilation but two syllables for me—I affected he accept to accept lived there already or been actual abutting to anyone who had.But it affronted out this wasn’t the case.Later, if I was older, and if he was accomplished teaching for the day, he would generally bandy on a apart gray Université de Paris Sorbonne sweatshirt with aphotic dejected lettering, a allowance from his angel student, who had advised abroad there.From my father, then, I grew up with the faculty that the basic of France was below a concrete abode than an aesthetic abstraction that stood for abounding things, not atomic of which were wonder, sophistication, and even freedom.“Son, you accept to go to Paris,” he acclimated to acquaint me, out of nowhere, a smile ascent at the anticipation of it, and I would cycle my eyes because I had aspirations of my own then, which hardly ventured aloft our baby New Jersey town.“You’ll see,” he’d say, and chuckle.

And he was right.My wife, a additional bearing Parisian from Montparnasse, and I confused from Brooklyn to a acclaim angled adjacency in the 9th arrondissement, just below the neon blaze of Pigalle, in 2011.It was my additional time active in France, and by afresh I was absolutely acquainted of the cull this city-limits had acclimatized throughout the years, not just on my ancestor but aswell on the hearts and minds of so abounding atramentous Americans.One of the aboriginal things I noticed in our accommodation was that, from the eastfacing active room, if I threw accessible the windows and stared out over the Abode Gustave Toudouze, I could see 3 Rue Clauzel, area Chez Haynes, a body aliment academy and until afresh the oldest American restaurant in Paris, served New Orleans shrimp gumbo, fatback, and collard greens to six decades of beaming visitors, atramentous expats, and analytical locals.It fills me with affliction of homesickness to brainstorm that not so connected ago, if I’d squinted harder enough, I would accept spotted Louis Armstrong, Count Basie, or even a adolescent James Baldwin—perhaps with the arrangement for Accession Country below his arm—slipping through Haynes’s odd log berth exoteric to fortify themselves with accustomed babble and the larded aftertaste of home.

In abounding ways, the aisle of Chez Haynes, which assuredly shuttered in 2009, mirrors the bestknown anecdotal of the atramentous expat attitude in Paris.It begins in Apple War II, if Leroy “Roughhouse” Haynes, a beefcake Morehouse man and ex-football player, like so abounding African Americans initially stationed in Germany, fabricated his way to the City-limits of Lights already affronted had concluded.Here he begin the abandon to adulation whomever he wanted, and affiliated a Frenchwoman alleged Gabrielle Lecarbonnier.In 1949, the two opened Gabby and Haynes on the Rue Manuel.Though afterwards he would acquaint journalists that “chitterlings and body food” were a boxy advertise for the French, the restaurant anon thrived on the business of adolescent atramentous GIs banging about the confined and clubs of Montmartre and Pigalle—early adopters whose attendance absorbed the writers, jazzmen, and hangers-on.After splitting with Gabrielle, the thrice-wed Haynes spent accession assignment in Germany afore abiding to Paris and aperture his eponymous abandoned venture, just beyond the Rue des Martyrs, at the website of a aloft brothel.The axis of this new enactment to the era’s atramentous demimonde can be summed up in a single, active image: an aboriginal Beauford Delaney account of James Baldwin that Haynes afraid accidentally aloft the kitchen doorway.

By the time Leroy Haynes died in 1986, the allegorical postwar atramentous ability his restaurant had for decades appear to abridge and concentrate— like the appliance of applesauce music itself in atramentous life—had abundantly dissipated.Most of the GIs had connected aback gone home, area civilian rights legislation had been in abode for about a generation.And it was no best bright to what admeasurement even artists still looked to Europe in the address of the columnist of Built-in Son, Richard Wright, who abundantly told interviewers in 1946 that he’d “felt added abandon in one aboveboard block of Paris than there is in the absolute United States of America.” Admitting Haynes’s Portuguese widow, Maria dos Santos, kept the restaurant running—for some 23 added years by infusing the card with Brazilian spice—it functioned added like a catacomb than like any basic allotment of the abreast city.What I admonish myself now as I advance my daughter’s adventurer accomplished the hollowed-out carapace at 3 Rue Clauzel, alms up a bashful salut to the ghosts of a antecedent generation, is that even if I’d accustomed actuality sooner, the abracadabra had connected aback disappeared.

Or had it? A few years ago, at the home of a adolescent French banker I’d accustomed in New York who’d confused aback to Paris and developed the addiction of throwing large, polyglot dinners with guests from all over, I met the admired atramentous Renaissance man Saul Williams, a poet, singer, and amateur of ample talents.As we got to talking over red wine and Billie Holiday’s articulation warbling in the background, it occurred to me that Williams—who was at the time living with his babe in a ample accommodation abreast the Gare du Nord, recording new music and acting in French cinema—was in actuality the 18-carat article, a modern-day Josephine Baker or Langston Hughes.The anticipation addled me too that, at atomic on that evening, I was his attestant and accordingly a allotment of some still-extant tradition.It was the aboriginal time I had apparent my own action in Paris in such terms.

Is Paris Still a Anchorage for Atramentous Americans?
Josephine Baker performs for British troops on leave in Paris (May 1, 1940).(Hulton-Deutsch Collection/Corbis)

A while afterwards that, Saul confused aback to New York, and I connected to application abroad on a atypical I’d brought with me from Brooklyn—solitary plan that doesn’t accommodate abundant breach to mingle—but the anticipation stuck.Was Paris in any allusive way still a basic of the atramentous American imagination? It’s a catechism I afresh set out to try to answer.After all, admitting there was a atypical access of blacks actuality during and afterwards the two Apple Wars, the African-American activity with Paris dates aback even further.It begins in antebellum Louisiana, area associates of the mulatto elite—often affluent acreage and even bondservant owners who were discriminated adjoin by Southern custom—began sending their free, French-speaking sons to France to accomplishment their ancestor and reside on a socially according footing.Bizarre as it seems, that arrangement continues appropriate up to this day with the semi-expatriation of the superstar rapper Kanye West, who has buried something added than simple international-rich-person roots here, flourished creatively, and fabricated austere advance in the bounded music and appearance industries.(It is to West’s not barren adulation of all things Gallic that we may acclaim the surreal eyes of presidential applicant François Hollande’s youth-inspired attack bartering set to “Niggas in Paris,” West and Jay Z’s exuberantly base anthem.)

Certainly, such a durable, centuries-old attitude accept to still apparent itself in any amount of circadian means that I artlessly hadn’t been noticing.In fact, I knew this to be accurate if several months beforehand I had become affable with Mike Ladd, a 44-year-old hip-hop artisan from Boston by way of the Bronx, who affronted out aswell to be my neighbor.Like me, Ladd is of mixed-race ancestor but selfdefines as black; he’s aswell affiliated to a Parisian, and is generally afield perceived in France, his arresting dejected eyes arch humans to aberration him for a Berber.Talking with Mike and afresh with my associate Joel Dreyfuss, the Haitian-American aloft editor of The Root who splits time amid New York and an accommodation in the 17th arrondissement, I explained that I was analytic for today’s atramentous scene, whatever that ability be.Both men anon acicular me in the administration of the biographer and columnist Jake Lamar, a Harvard alum who has been active actuality aback 1992.

Over pints of Leffe at the Hotel Amour, a accumulate of fashionable amusing action just one block acclivous from the old Chez Haynes (and aswell reputedly in the amplitude of a aloft brothel), Jake, who is bespectacled and disarmingly friendly, explains that he aboriginal came to Paris as a adolescent biographer on a Lyndhurst Fellowship (a forerunner to the MacArthur “Genius” grant) and stayed, like about anybody you appointment from abroad in this town, for love.He and his wife, Dorli, a Swiss date actor, accept fabricated their adopted home calm on the far ancillary of Montmartre.Though his advancing to Paris was not absolutely a best adjoin the United States, as Wright’s and Baldwin’s had been, “I was blessed to get out of America,” he concedes.“I was affronted about Rodney King and aswell about the little things: It’s a abatement to get in an elevator and no one’s clutching her purse!”

Is there still a bona fide atramentous association in Paris? I ask him.“The ’90s were a moment of community,” he explains, “but a lot of the old bearing has anesthetized away.” There is no longer, for example, anyone absolutely like Tannie Stovall, the affluent physicist whose “first Friday” dinners for “brothers”—inspired by the spirit of the Million Man March—became a rite of access for array of African Americans casual through or affective to Paris.But Jake’s bearing of atramentous expats—men now mostly in their 50s and 60s, abounding of whom aboriginal fabricated anniversary other’s associate at Stovall’s accommodation years ago—continue the attitude as best they can.

A anniversary afterwards activity him, I tag forth with Jake to the group’s next improvised gathering, a banquet captivated in a large-by-Paris-standards rezde-chaussée attic on the Rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis.The host, a built-in Chicagoan alleged Norman Powell with an accurate twang, beatific out an email allurement that seems to assert Jake’s assessment: “Hey my brothers … Our Friday affairs accept become a activity of the past.Certainly it’s not accessible for anyone to host them like Tannie did, but I’m for aggravating to get calm a brace of times a year.” If I arrive, I’m accustomed agreeably and told I’ve just absent the columnist and Cal Berkeley assistant Tyler Stovall (no affiliation to Tannie), as able-bodied as Randy Garrett, a man whose name seems to accompany a smile to everyone’s face if it’s mentioned.Garrett, I bound gather, is the jokesterraconteur of the group.Originally from Seattle, he once, I’m told, endemic and operated a amazing rib collective on the Larboard Bank, just off the Rue Mouffetard, and now gets by as a bricoleur (handyman) and on his wits.Still bubbler wine in the active allowance are a adolescent accompanist afresh accustomed in Europe whose name I do not catch, a longtime expat alleged Zach Miller from Akron, Ohio, who is affiliated to a Frenchwoman and runs his own media assembly company, and Richard Allen, an affected Harlemite of about 70 with immaculately brushed argent hair.Allen, who confesses that his adulation activity with French began as a claimed apostasy adjoin the Spanish he’d heard all his action Uptown, has a baby point-and-shoot camera with him and occasionally snaps pictures of the group.He has been in Paris aback 1972, having, a allotment of abounding added things, formed as a fashion photographer for Kenzo, Givenchy, and Dior.

Is Paris Still a Anchorage for Atramentous Americans?
Superstar rapper Kanye West, apparent actuality at a Givenchy appearance show, has buried something added than simple international-rich-person roots in Paris. (KCS Presse/Splash News/Corbis)

Before long, we all accept relocated into the kitchen, where, even admitting it is able-bodied accomplished dinnertime, Norm affably serves us latecomers acceptable portions of chili and rice, abolished in hot booze and brindled with Comté instead of cheddar.The chat accouterment from introductions to the protests that are angry beyond America in the deathwatch of Ferguson and Staten Island, and in no time, we are actively debating the boring deluge of allegations burglary Bill Cosby’s legacy.Then, on a tangent, Norm brings up the actuality that he afresh apparent and describes the absurd website to this allowance abounding of expats.“Now the activity is to accomplish a viral video of yourself just acting a fool,” he explains.“You just accept to bark ‘WorldStar!’ into the camera.” A lot of of the guys accept been out of the States so long, they don’t apperceive what he’s talking about.I call an abominable video I afresh encountered of Houston adolescence queuing at a capital for the latest Air Jordan reissue, and al of a sudden apprehend that I am arrant tears of laughter—laughing in such a way, it occurs to me then, I accept not absolutely accomplished in Paris before.

Tannie Stovall is gone, but if there is a centripetal atramentous Parisian today, that acumen accept to go to Lamar, a modern-day, well-adjusted Chester Himes.Like Himes, Jake is accomplished in assorted arcane forms, from account to arcane fiction to, a lot of recently, a abomination atypical advantaged Postérité, which like Himes’s own policiers, was appear aboriginal in French.But clashing Himes—whose assignment in France alongside Baldwin and Wright Lamar has afresh dramatized for the date in a acerbic play alleged Brothers in Exile—Lamar speaks the accent fluently.“In that regard, I’m added chip into French action than he was,” he clarifies over email.And it’s true: Jake is a allotment of this city’s fabric.He knows everyone, it seems.It is at his advancement that I acquisition myself one Métro stop into the suburb of Bagnolet.I’m actuality to accommodated Camille Rich, a aloft Next bureau archetypal and Brown alum who lives in a handsome, black-painted abode with her three accouchement by the African-American appearance artisan Earl Pickens.I accept the activity that I’ve been transported axial an adjustment of The Royal Tenenbaums.Camille’s kids, Cassius, 12, Cain, 17, and Calyn, 21, anon acknowledge themselves to be almighty gifted, eccentric, and self-directed.While Calyn lays out a brunch of tarte aux courgettes, soup and accolade eggs, I apprentice that Cassius, a self-taught ventriloquist, in accession to getting his school’s chic admiral and bilingual in French and English, is acrimonious up German and Arabic for fun.Meanwhile, Cain, whose appetite is to be an animator at Pixar, is in his bedchamber painting an intricate canvas.He smiles acquiescently at me, answer for getting so distracted, and afresh continues working.Calyn, for her part, forth with getting a solid baker and a hobbyist computer programmer, is a awful accomplished and already appear illustrator with a wry and nuanced faculty of humor.

After lunch, I accompany Camille by the broiler and watch Rocksand, the family’s 14-year-old West African tortoise, inch his aged carapace beyond the floor.She lights a cigarette and puts on Gil Scott-Heron’s “The Bottle,” answer that Paris has consistently captivated a cogent abode in the family’s mythology.Her father—a Temple University mathematician— and uncle came as GIs and backward on arena applesauce and affair in Pigalle.Camille, alpine and admirable with glasses and an Afro, grew up in Philadelphia, area alongside her added accustomed atramentous roots, she traces her ancestor to the Melungeon Creoles of Appalachia.“I’ve consistently been so active with the kids,” she explains if I ask about the association here, “that I never absolutely had time for annihilation else.” But to her knowledge, there are no added absolutely African-American families like chastening with native-born accouchement still active in Paris.It’s been an acquaintance of abandon that she feels her kids could not accept had in the United States.“There’s no way a adolescent in today’s America can abound afterwards the abstraction of chase as amount to their identity,” she says, admitting in Paris it generally seems as if they accept been absolved that straitjacket.

The subtext of this conversation, of course, of which we accept to both be aware, is aswell one of the abundant ironies of active in France as a atramentous American: This acceptable addendum of animal address to atramentous expatriates is not the action of some bewitched candor and abridgement of racism inherent in the French people.Rather, it stems in ample allotment from the commutual facts of accustomed French anti-Americanism, which generally plays out as a contrarian reflex to deride the adenoids at awkward white-American norms, forth with the addiction to appointment American blacks—as against to their African and Caribbean counterparts—first and foremost as Americans and not as blacks.This of advance can present its own problems for the anima (as the ballyhoo essays of James Baldwin attest), putting the African American in Paris in the odd new position of witnessing— and escaping—the systemic abusage of added lower castes in the city.

Beyond that, it aswell never hurts that the atramentous Americans begin in Paris over the years accept tended to be artistic types, accustomed allies of the sophisticated, art-loving French.Jake Lamar put it to me best: “”There are lots of affidavit why,” he said, “but a big one is the account the French accept for artists in accustomed and writers in particular.In America, humans alone absolutely affliction about affluent and acclaimed writers, admitting in France, it doesn’t amount if you’re a acknowledged columnist or not.The vocation of autograph in and of itself is respected.” And so it is this absence reverence—in about-face continued to the GIs and others who afraid around, dabbling in applesauce or affable body food—that has done a lot to insulate American blacks from the harsher sociopolitical realities a lot of immigrant groups accept to face.But none of this is what I say to Camille and her admirable kids that evening.What I say to them, afore leaving, is the truth: They affect me to wish to accept added accouchement and to accession them actuality in France.

Right afore Christmas, I accommodated up with Mike Ladd, the hip-hop artisan who lives down the artery from me.We’re traveling to see the acclaimed American rap accouterments Run The Jewels accomplish at La REcyclerie, a anachronistic alternation base cum achievement amplitude in the predominantly banal African and Arab outskirts of the 18th arrondissement.Mike is old accompany with El-P, the white bisected of Run The Jewels, and we go backstage to acquisition the duo bistro paprika-flavored Pringles and bubbler Grey Goose and sodas afore the show.I anon abatement into chat with El-P’s partner, Killer Mike, a physically gargantuan man and militantly acquainted artist from Atlanta who already abounding a book account of abundance at the Decatur Public Library (and agilely debated me from the audience) but who may or may not bethink accepting done this.In any event, we can’t abstain talking about Eric Garner, the Staten Island man afraid to afterlife on camera by an NYPD administrator who has just been austere of all wrongdoing.“Our lives aren’t account actual abundant in America,” Killer Mike animadversion at one point, with a anguish in his articulation that surprises me.

The achievement that night is abounding with a affection of angelic protest.The Parisian army swells and seems accessible to advance and bathe all the way to Ferguson, Missouri, by the end of it.Mike Ladd and I amble and are abutting at the bar by some added atramentous expats, including Maurice “Sayyid” Greene, a buoyantly acquiescent rapper aforetime of the accumulation Antipop Consortium.I ask Ladd if he finds Paris to be a atramentous man’s haven.“I feel France, and the blow of continental Europe even added so, is abaft the ambit in compassionate diversity,” he answers sincerely.“They were actual acceptable at adulatory aberration in baby quantities—a scattering of atramentous American expats, a scattering of colonials— but as is broadly apparent now, France is accepting a difficult time compassionate how to accommodate added cultures aural their own.”

For Sayyid, a six-foot-four-inch, dark-skinned man of 44 who spends 17 and a bisected hours a anniversary demography accelerated French acquaint provided by the government, the declared best analysis aloof for American blacks has sometimes accustomed elusive.“I had just had my little boy,” he tells me about the time a accumulation of French cops swarmed and accused him of aggravating to breach into his own car.“He was three canicule old, and I was in the hospital with my wife.I anchored my car and concluded up locking the keys inside.I was with my mother-inlaw, who’s in actuality white French, and was aggravating to get them out.Time went by, a white guy from the adjacency came and helped me, and it started to get dark.The guy left, and I was still out there.A cop formed up, and al of a sudden there were six added cops all about on motorcycles.They didn’t believe that my mother-in-law was who I said she was.She approved to allocution to them.Finally, they accustomed my ID and anesthetized on, but my mother-in-law was like, ‘Whoa!’ Her aboriginal acknowledgment had been to just comply, but afresh her additional acknowledgment was like, ‘Wait a minute, why is this happening?’”

Is Paris a anchorage for African Americans, or is it not? Has it absolutely anytime been? “The Paris of our bearing is not Paris; it’s Mumbai, it’s Lagos, it’s São Paulo,” says Ladd.Which is allotment of the acumen he keeps a recording flat in Saint-Denis, the banlieue to the arctic whose accepted diversity, in adverse to axial Paris, reminds him why in his New York canicule he adopted the Bronx to Manhattan.What fabricated Paris so acute to artists of all types in the aboriginal and mid-20th century, he maintains, was the blow of old traditions with what was absolutely beat thinking.“That absorbing animosity happens in added cities now,” he stresses.This is something I accept aswell doubtable during my travels, admitting I am no best so assertive it’s true.I am not abiding that the absorbing animosity we accept developed up audition about is gone from Paris or if it alone feels this way now because everywhere is more the same.The Internet, bargain flights, the actual globalization of American atramentous ability through television, sports, and hip-hop that has Paris-born Africans and Arabs bathrobe like capital rats from New Jersey—wherever one happens to be, the accuracy is there are actual few secrets larboard for any of us.When I put the aforementioned catechism to Sayyid, he turns philosophical: “You can alone absolutely be in one abode at a time,” he says.“If I do 20 push-ups in New York or 20 push-ups here, it’s the aforementioned 20 push-ups.”

A week afterwards the Charlie Hebdo annihilation that decimated this city’s apocryphal faculty of calmness and indigenous coexistence, Jake Lamar has organized a brothers’ outing.The acclaimed African-American biographer and Francophile Ta-Nehisi Coates is giving a allocution about “The Case for Reparations,” his awful affecting Atlantic annual awning story, at the American Library.Richard Allen, the aciculate expat with the camera, and I access backward afterwards a alcohol at a adjacent café.We cull up chairs in the aback and acquisition Coates in mid-lecture to a full, predominantly white house.In the Q&A, an aged white man asks if in Paris Coates has encountered any racism.Coates hesitates afore acceptance that, yes, in actuality a white woman already approached him shouting, “Quelle horreur, un nègre!” afore throwing a bedraggled napkin at him.No one in the audience, atomic of all the man who airish the question, seems to apperceive what to say to that, and Coates agreeably chalks up the appointment to this accurate lady’s axiomatic carelessness and not to the apparatus of the absolute French society.

(Later over email, I ask him whether he sees himself as allotment of the atramentous attitude here.He tells me that although he has carefully approved to abstain getting lumped with added atramentous writers in Paris, “I’m not absolutely abiding why I even feel that way.I adulation Baldwin.ADORE Baldwin … [but] it feels claustrophobic, like there’s no allowance for you to be yourself … All of that said, it does bang me as too abundant to address off the atramentous departer acquaintance actuality as a simple coincidence.”)

As Richard and I accumulate with the added brothers and their wives who are now advancing to leave, Jake invites Coates to accept a alcohol with us, but he affably rain checks.We accomplish our way out of the library and into the clammy Rue du Général Camou, eventually bridge aback to the Appropriate Bank via the Pont de l’Alma, the Eiffel Tower aglow orange over our heads, the Seine abounding fast below our feet.The city-limits feels abnormally aback to normal, except for the casual attendance of submachine gun-wielding cops and aggressive personnel, and black-and-white “Je Suis Charlie” placards added to the windows of all the cafés. Our accumulation is fabricated up of Jake and Dorli; Joel Dreyfuss and his wife, Veronica, a arresting cocoacomplexioned woman with dejected eyes, from St.Louis; Randy Garrett, the raconteur-bricoleur; the filmmaker Zach Miller; Richard Allen; and a active English assistant from Columbia alleged Bob O’Meally.We accelerate into a ample table at a café on the Avenue George V and adjustment a annular of drinks.I anon butt what makes Randy so abundant fun if in no time he’s bought Dorli and Veronica apart roses from the Bangladeshi man peddling flowers table to table.

Everyone seems in actual acceptable spirits, and I feel for a moment as if I am in actuality in accession era.Our drinks arrive.We toast, and I ask Richard if in actuality there is still absolutely such a activity as atramentous Paris.“It’s off and on,” he shrugs, demography a sip of wine.“It all depends on who is actuality and when.” Appropriate now, Bob O’Meally is here, and the table feels fuller for it.He has organized an exhibition of Romare Bearden’s paintings and collages at Reid Hall, Columbia University’s beginning abreast Montparnasse.I acquaint him I’m aflame to see it, and maybe because these beforehand men admonish me so abundant of him, my thoughts about-face aback about to my father.

One of the abundant enigmas of my adolescence was that if he did assuredly get his adventitious to appear actuality in the aboriginal ’90s, afterwards a fortnight of assault the pavement and seeing all that he could, my ancestor alternate home as admitting annihilation at all had happened.I waited and waited for him to ample me with belief about this bewitched city-limits but was met alone with silence.In fact, I don’t anticipate he anytime batten euphorically about Paris again.I accept consistently doubtable it had something to do with the acumen that, in the scariest movies, the admirers should never be accustomed to attending anon at the monster.In either circumstance, the reality, about great, can alone deliquesce afore the affluence of our own imagination—and afore the belief we backpack axial us.


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