On a ledge hundreds of all-overs in the air, the best way to abstain all-overs can aswell be the hardest to stick with: Don't attending down.As continued as you accumulate your eyes up, you will not apperceive how top you stand.In contempo years, a trend of glass-bottomed structures has swept beyond the world.So what happens if floors become cellophane and the solid arena beneath you no best obscures your accurate height? What changes if searching down is the accomplished point?
Last week, a 984-foot-long bottle bridge opened in China's Hunan province, alleged Haohan Qiao or "Brave Man's Bridge." It is abeyant 590 all-overs aloft Shiniuzhai National Geological Park amid two arduous cliffs.Matt Hickman, an architectonics biographer at mother attributes network, calls it "the biggest, baddest and a lot of immobilizing glass-bottomed abeyance arch in all of China." Some of the aboriginal tourists to cantankerous the arch did so on their easily and knees; even video of their crawls seems harrowing.
The arch may attending scary, but it's safe.Despite a contempo address of a able in addition Chinese bottle bridge, engineers at Haohian Quiao say their arch was congenital to last.Haohan Qiao boasts able panes, which are 25 times stronger than accustomed glass, acknowledging a amazing bulk of weight. A aggregation of 11 engineers formed on the bridge, which was originally wooden, installing anniversary inch-thick area assimilate a able animate frame. "The arch we body will angle close even if tourists are jumping on it," a artisan told the state-owned China News Service, according to a translation by CNN.
China is the world's baton in acute bottle walkways.In the last year, bottle examination platforms opened to tourists in Longgang National Geological Park, Wulong National Geological Park as able-bodied as the Yuntaishan skywalk, and Haohan Qiao will not be the country's boldest activity for long.Another arch still beneath architectonics in Hunan — a 1,410-foot long, 984-foot top behemoth — is scheduled to accessible ancient this year.
They're not alone.The Grand Coulee Skywalk, a 70-foot-long axle arch abeyant aloft the massive canyon, opened in 2007.A actual billow of bottle day-tripper attractions followed.At the top of the Willis Tower in Chicago, a baby bottle case accepted as "the Ledge" juts out aloft the Windy City.(That one had a burst panel, too.) The Aiguille du Midi Skywalk, a bottle box aerial aloft the French Alps, opened in 2013.Glass floors accept been retrofitted assimilate some of the world's a lot of iconic architecture, including the Eiffel Tower and London's Tower Bridge.People accept abounding befalling to cartel themselves to airing on the sky: in the Canadian Rockies, on the Spanish coast, in Melbourne, in Tokyo, and in Toronto.They all avowal amazing angle — as able-bodied as various safety features to accumulate humans out of danger.

1.Longgang National Geological Park, Chongqing, China | The horseshoe-shaped axle arch extends 97.5 ft over the bluff edge. (Imaginechina/Corbis)

2.Wulong National Geological Park Bottle Examination Platform, Wulong County, Chongguing, China | Ballet dancers accomplish on a bottle examination belvedere bulging off a bluff aloft the Karst Valley. (Imaginechina/Corbis)

3.Zhangjiajie National Forest, Hunan Province, China | A 200-foot-long bottle aisle hugs the ancillary of Tianmen Mountain, 4,690 all-overs in the air. (Imaginechina/Corbis)

4.The Grand Coulee Skywalk, Arizona | This 70-foot-long axle arch alcove looks out over the Colorado River, 720 all-overs below. (Robert Galbraith/Reuters/Corbis)

5."The Ledge" at the Willis Tower, Chicago, Illinois | A bottle box, 1,353 all-overs in the air, protrudes out of the tallest architecture in the Western Hemisphere. (Anne Ryan/zrImages/Corbis)

6.Caminito del Rey Footpath abreast Ardales, Spain | Tourists boring down through a bottle belvedere to the Desfildero del los Gaitanes gorge attic 100 meters below.The 110-year-old walkway, which had collapsed into disrepair, was adequate and reopened in the bounce of 2015. (Kiko Jiménez/Demotix/Corbis)

7.The Chamonix Skywalk, Aiguille du Midi, France | Visitors are arrive to "Step Into the Void" in the French Alps.The bottle box, which opened in December 2013, floats 3,396 all-overs over the basin floor. (Robert Pratta/Reuters/Corbis)

8.Eiffel Tower, Paris, France | The battleground apparent a new bottle belvedere on the aboriginal floor, 187 ft aloft the ground, in the abatement of 2014. (Jacky Naegelen/Reuters/Corbis)

9.Tower Bridge, London, England | The bottle attic gives angle of the River of Thames and casual cars 138 ft below. (Andy Rain/epa/Corbis)

10.The "Edge" at the Eureka Tower Skydeck, Melbourne, Australia | Paul O'Brien, Managing Director of Eureka Skydeck, takes in the appearance from the glass-floored cube blind from the ancillary of Melbourne's tallest building. (Andrew Brownbill/epa/Corbis)

11.Glacier Skywalk at Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada | The glass-floored ascertainment platform, perched 900 all-overs aloft the Sunwapta Basin floor, opened to visitors in May 2014. (Michael Wheatley/All Canada Photos/Corbis)

12.Tokyo Skytree Bottle Floor, Tokyo, Japan | Visitors attending down through a bottle attic in the Tokyo Tembo Galleria Ascertainment Deck. (B.S.P.I./Corbis)

13.CN Tower Bottle Floor, Toronto, Canada | Visitors associate down through the bottle attic to the sidewalk 1,135 all-overs below. (Paul Souders/Corbis)

14.Haohan Qiao, Hunan Province, China | This 984-foot abeyant bottle arch provides a beauteous appearance of China's Shiniuzhai National Geological Park, 590 all-overs below. (China Stringer Network/Reuters/Corbis)
So, what's abaft the trend? What draws humans to these glass-bottomed structures?
"I've been on it bags of times and my knees buckle," says Randy Stancik, accepted administrator of Chicago Skydeck, the aggregation abaft the Ledge."I apperceive aggregate about this project.I apperceive how safe it is, but it's not a accustomed activity to footfall out of a skyscraper."
In added words, it's the absolute day-tripper attraction; all accolade and actual little risk.These skywalks, sky boxes and sky bridges presents the apparition of crisis after the amount of gluttonous it.Their angle can rival what daredevils see when they ascend skyscrapers.You don't charge a accouter or afterlife ambition to get in on the apparent action, though.It's as simple as putting one bottom in foreground of the added — so continued as you can force yourself to attending down.
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