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Ikea's recipe book with insect burger

Uniting technology, science and food, Future Food Today is a collection of sustainable recipes

Furniture, decoration, household products and a unique way to combine them is what has made Ikea a famous firm throughout the world, marking a very concrete way of distributing the spaces, but the universe of this Swedish firm goes much further and, after transforming the homes, it has been proposed to do the same with our food.

What started with gingerbread cookies or their famous meatloaf has become a mosaic of flavors that are« cooked» In its Space10.After months of work, Ikea's innovation laboratory has presented its first cookbook, Future Food Today, which they claim is a tangible vision of how sustainable tomorrow's cuisine can be.« Joining technology, science and food, Future Food Today is a collection of sustainable recipes that take into account both people and the planet&raquo ;.

The result, recipes, according to Simon Perez, Ikea chef and food designer,« require ingredients that you may not have seen before, such as insects or seaweed while others are classics of the kitchen».« We wanted to involve as many people as possible, from experienced chefs to amateur chefs&raquo ;.

Bug Burger or the way of eating insects

From Space10, there was a need to replace the meat of the classic hamburger with a mixture of insects and beets in their eagerness to get a sustainable kitchen e.

Ikea's recipe book with insect burger

Mix of insects and beet-Space10

According to the recipe each hamburger contains 100 grams of beet, 50 grams of chirivia parsnip sativa,-a root vegetable from Asia closely related to carrot-, 50 grams of potatoes and 50 grams of larval phase mealworms, widely used as food for animal species such as reptiles, birds and fish.The Bug Burger -or insect burger-is served on a white flour bun, topped with beet sauce and blackcurrant, scallions and hydroponic salad mix, a method used to grow plants using mineral solutions instead of agricultural soil.

The cookbook, which has been on the market since May 21, also includes classic such as salads, soups or desserts that often contain unusual ingredients, like the fungi that are grown in coffee grounds; Spirulina, a bacterium capable of performing photosynthesis-or insects, the basis for the preparation of its already famous Bug Burger.

Ikea's recipe book with insect burger

The« Hot dog» without sausage but with dried carrots and glazes, beet and berry ketchup, mustard and curcuma cream, roasted onions, cucumber salad and a mixture of herbal salad all inside a bread made with spirulina.-Space10

The chef Simon Perez says that "really is a book for everyone, as long as you have a curious mind and an interest in exploring a more sustainable future".


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