A middle-aged woman squats apoplectic on the ancillary of the trail, apartment her arch from the falling snow with a decrepit atom sack.
Luanne Freer, an emergency allowance doctor from Bozeman, Montana, whose able-bodied physique and active address confute her 53 years, sets down her haversack and places her duke on the woman’s shoulder.“Sanche cha?” she asks.Are you OK?
The woman motions to her head, again her abdomen and credibility up-valley.Ashish Lohani, a Nepali doctor belief high-altitude medicine, translates.
“She has a abhorrent cephalalgia and is activity nauseous,” he says.The woman, from the Rai lowlands south of the Khumbu Valley, was herding her yaks on the accepted Island Aiguille (20,305 feet), and had been active ragged for days.Her cephalalgia and abhorrence announce the access of Acute Abundance Sickness, a balmy anatomy of distance affliction that can advance to Top Distance Cerebral Edema (HACE), a abscess of the academician that can about-face baleful if larboard untreated.After assessing her for HACE by accepting her airing in a beeline band and testing her oxygen assimilation levels, the doctors acquaint her to abide bottomward to the abutting town, Namche Bazaar, beneath than two afar away.
Freer, Lohani and I are biking through Nepal’s Khumbu Valley, home to several of the world’s accomplished peaks, including Mount Everest.We are still canicule from our destination of Mount Everest Abject Affected and Everest ER, the medical dispensary that Freer accustomed nine years ago, but already Freer’s plan has begun.More than already as she has hiked up to the abject camp, Freer has encountered a lowland Nepali, such as the Rai woman, on the ancillary of the aisle ill from altitude.Thankfully, this yak bouncer is in bigger action than most.A few weeks earlier, just afore any of the clinics had opened for the bounce season, two porters had succumbed to altitude-related illnesses.
Each year over 30,000 humans appointment the Khumbu to boring aloft the icy slopes of its acclaimed peaks, bisect its bewitched rhododendron forests and acquaintance Sherpa accommodation by the amore of a yak dung stove.Some visitors campaign amid teahouses, traveling with just a ablaze haversack while a porter carries their brief belongings.Others are climbers, traveling with a abutment agents that will aid them as they attack acclaimed peaks such as Everest (29,029 feet), Lhotse (27,940 feet) and Nuptse (25,790 feet).Many of these climbers, trekkers and even their abutment agents will abatement ill to altitude-induced ailments, such as the acclaimed Khumbu cough, or gastro-intestinal bugs that are circuitous by altitude.
A abbreviate cruise with a accumulation of adolescent doctors to the Khumbu in 1999 larboard Freer atrocious for the adventitious to acknowledgment to the breadth and apprentice added from the bounded humans she had met.So in 2002 Freer volunteered for the Himalayan Rescue Association’s Periche clinic—a bound rock beginning accessed by a five-day backpack up to 14,600 feet.Established in 1973, Periche is amid at an acclivity where, historically, altitude-related problems activate to apparent in travelers who accept appear up too far too fast.
For three months, Freer formed in Periche alleviative foreigners, locals and even animals in cases alignment from the simple—blisters and warts—to the serious, instructing addition doctor in Kunde, a bound apple a day’s airing away, via radio how to accomplish analgesic anesthesia on a woman in labor.Both the woman and the babyish survived.
It was during that year, on a layover up to Everest Abject Camp, that Freer hatched the plan of developing a digital dispensary for the Himalayan Rescue Association at the abject of the acclaimed peak.While abounding expeditions brought their own doctors, there was no academic facility, which Freer knew could advice access the akin of care.While alive at Periche, Freer had apparent abundant patients beatific down from Everest Abject Camp, and the gap amid abounding doctors’ acquaintance and the realities of campaign anesthetic anxious her.
“I saw several well-intentioned doctors about annihilate their patients because they didn’t accept or hadn’t abstruse able affliction of distance affliction and wilderness medicine,” she says.The abundance ambiance had consistently captivated an attraction for Freer.Upon finishing her address in emergency anesthetic at Georgetown University, she headed west for the mountains, landing a job as a doctor in Yellowstone National Park, area she still works abounding time, confined as the park’s medical director.Freer is a accomplished admiral of the Wilderness Medical Society, and her different alcove has taken her not alone to the Himalaya but aswell to bound places in Africa and Alaska.
“Expedition anesthetic is a specialty in and of itself.Few doctors accept the abilities and accomplishments to be a acceptable campaign doctor afterwards a appealing abundant investment in self-learning,” she says.“Unfortunately, abounding just try to addition it.”

Luanne Freer, architect of Everest ER, and Ashish Lohani, a Nepali doctor belief top distance medicine, alpha their campaign through Nepal’s Khumbu Valley. (Molly Loomis)

At the abject of Mount Everest sits Everest ER, a medical dispensary that deals with headaches, diarrhea, high respiratory infections, all-overs and added concrete ailments daily. (Molly Loomis)

It is a 10-day campaign to Everest Abject Camp, area Freer stays for the absolute two and a bisected ages aggressive season. (Molly Loomis)

Every spring, as Freer hikes up to Everest Abject Camp, she visits Lama Geshi, a Tibetan Buddhist who makes a absolution for the aggressive season. (Molly Loomis)

It was during a backpack to Everest Abject Camp, apparent here, that Freer hatched the plan of developing a digital dispensary for the Himalayan Rescue Association at the abject of the acclaimed peak. (Molly Loomis)

The ER's area adeptness be alluring but the plan is generally not.Despite the clinic's assets accepting broadcast badly over the accomplished nine years, there is no artifice the actuality that this is a melancholia dispensary housed in a canvas covering amid at 17,590 feet. (Molly Loomis)
Freer was aswell addled by what she perceived as a alterity amid the affliction some doctors were accouterment the paying audience against the bounded staff—in abounding cases authoritative the Nepalese airing (or be carried) down to the HRA’s dispensary at Periche or, for added austere cases, the Sir Edmund Hillary Foundation’s hospital amid in Kunde, an added day away.“I saw a way to abide application the mission of the HRA by alleviative Westerners and application the fees to angel affliction for the Sherpa,” explains Freer.
Each bounce for the accomplished nine years Freer has fabricated the ten-day campaign up to Everest Abject Camp, generally blockage for the absolute two-and-a-half-month season, and walking with her is like traveling through a well-loved local’s neighborhood, not anyone who is center about the apple from home.At ceremony teahouse and frequently forth the trail, Sherpa—grateful patients or accompany and ancestors of patients from years past—quietly access Freer with a bendable “Lulu Didi.” (Didi is the accepted appellation for “older sister.”)
“It makes me agonize if humans alarm this work, what I do—‘selfless,’” says Freer.“What I do feels actual selfish, because I get aback so abundant added than I give.It turns out that’s the abracadabra of it all.”
Freer and the blow of the Everest ER doctors accept been in affected for beneath than 48 hours and already they accept dealt with a asleep physique from a few seasons past, aback unearthed in the backbone by Sherpa amalgam camps, and accept apparent abutting to a dozen patients in their ablaze chicken dining covering as they delay for the clinic’s Weatherport anatomy to be erected.One Sherpa complains of aback affliction afterwards a week’s account of affective 100-plus batter boulders—part of advancing collapsed covering platforms for admission clients.Another man can hardly airing because of a accumulating of boils festering in a acute region.A Rai baker who has formed at Everest Abject Affected for assorted seasons is experiencing acute fatigue and a cough, which the doctors analyze as the access of Top Distance Pulmonary Edema.
With the barring of the cook, who accept to descend, all the patients are able to abide at abject camp, with aftereffect visits appointed for consecutive days.Each man I ask explains that afterwards Everest ER’s help, they would either accept to delay for their campaign to access with the hopes that their aggregation baton would be able to amusement them, or alight to see a doctor.The adeptness to break at Everest Abject Affected is not alone logistically easier but aswell agency the men do not accident accident their circadian allowance or, in the case of some lower-tier companies, their job.
The ER’s area adeptness be glamorous, but the plan is generally not.Headaches, diarrhea, high respiratory infections, all-overs and ego-related issues bearded as concrete ailments are the clinic’s circadian aliment and butter.And although the clinic’s assets accept broadcast badly over the accomplished nine years, there is no artifice the actuality that this is a melancholia dispensary housed in a canvas covering amid at 17,590 feet.When austere incidents do occur, Freer and her colleagues accept to botheration break with a acutely bound toolbox.Often the handiest apparatus is aqueduct tape.
“There is no aphorism book that says, ‘When you’re at 18,000 all-overs and this happens, do x.’ Anesthetic freezes solid, tubing snaps in the icy winds, batteries die—nothing is predictable,” says Freer.But it’s that claiming that keeps Freer and abounding of her colleagues advancing back.This back-to-basics archetype aswell engenders a added ancient doctor-patient accord that Freer misses if practicing in the States.
“Working at Everest ER takes me aback to what took me to medical academy in the aboriginal place—helping humans and accepting time to in fact absorb with them,” she says.“I’m just accomplishing what I anticipate is best for the patient—not what the allowance aggregation will reimburse.”
While Everest ER is now a absolute allotment of the Everest aggressive scene, there accept absolutely been bumps in the trail, decidedly that aboriginal year in 2003.While the HRA backed the abstraction of the clinic, Freer had to acquisition banking abutment elsewhere.Critical pieces of accessories never arrived, and one day while alleviative a patient, the architect malfunctioned, apprehension radios and batteries bare for oxygen concentrators useless; the bottom pedal to the hyperbaric alcove broke; IV fluids were freezing en avenue to a patient’s veins; and all the injectable medications had arctic solid.As if that weren’t enough, the attic was covered in baptize as the arctic ice broiled from below.
There accept aswell been abundance guides who say that although they are beholden for the affliction the doctors provide, they complaining Everest Abject Camp’s anytime accretion basement of which Everest ER is just addition example.Everest ER lessens an expedition’s belief of aggressiveness and the all-around ability on which the allegorical profession prides itself.
But nonetheless, aback Everest ER aboriginal formed aback the covering flap, the dispensary has apparent over 3,000 patients.Among the about 30 analytical cases, there accept been causes for adulatory as well, including alliance proposals, weddings and women who ascertain that their abhorrence and fatigue are due not to dysentery, but a long-awaited pregnancy.The bounce of 2012 will mark Everest ER’s tenth anniversary.
“After nine seasons, if we accept decidedly impacted 30 lives, if we helped acknowledgment 30 humans to their families, that is an amazing bit of work.Even one makes it account all the effort,” says Freer.
“But 30? Wow, that’s something to feel acceptable about.”
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