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Five of the most dangerous islands in the world

Pieces of land where indigenous tribes, killer snakes or deadly gases endanger life

Izu Islands, Japan

Five of the most dangerous islands in the world

The Izu archipelago , which belongs to the Fuji-Hakine-Izu National Park, It is a group of volcanic islands in the south of Japan formed by thirteen islands of which Izu Oshima is the largest.Although it might seem like a heavenly place to lay on its sand, the truth is that the presence of volcanic activity it causes the islands to have the highest concentration of sulfur on the entire planet.

The inhabitants of Izu Oshima had to be evacuated in 1953 and the island was deserted for 47 years .In 2000 he came back to life although its inhabitants are obliged to wear gas masks so as not to die poisoned.

Isla Quemada, Brazil

Five of the most dangerous islands in the world

Isla de la Quemada Grande , also known as Isla de las Cobras is on the coast of Sao Paulo , in Brazil and is the home of a kind of vibora known as the snake of the Burned Island, one of the most poisonous snakes in the world.Popular culture states that there are up to five snakes per square meter, while that a documentary made by Discovery Channel ensures that the figure could rise in some places to a snake per square meter.

Currently, the Brazilian Navy prohibits civilians from entering the island , although scientists sometimes receive permits.It is an important serpentarium worldwide, so on November 5, 1985 it was declared Relevant area of ​​ecological interest .

Ramree Island in Burma

Five of the most dangerous islands in the world

The Ramree Island is an island off the coast of the state of Rakain, in Burma .The peculiarity of this island is that its mangroves are full of crocodiles salt water, the most dangerous on the planet.As if that were not enough, the island is also inhabited by poisonous scorpions and mosquitoes that transmit malaria.

The island is marked for the battle that was published in 1945, during World War II, between the British and Japanese army.The latter, caught in the mangroves suffered the toughest attacks of crocodiles.It is estimated that between 650 and 1000 soldiers died among their jaws, in fact the island has the Guinness record as the point with the most deaths from a crocodile attack.

Island Sentinel of the N orte.Isla in the Indian Ocean

Five of the most dangerous islands in the world

The island Sentinel del Norte is a small island of 72 km² and about 8 km wide belonging to the archipelago of the Andaman Islands , in the Indian Ocean, officially administered by India.

Apparently this small piece of land would have no danger if it was not because its inhabitants do not welcome visitors.The island is populated by the tribe of indigenous of the sentinelese who rejects any contact with modern civilization and therefore everyone who steps on this sovereign entity may suffer the attack of the natives.

Vozrozhdeniya (Aral Sea)

Five of the most dangerous islands in the world

The Vozrozhdeniya Island -or what is the same Renaissance-was one of the main islands located inside the Aral Sea .During the Cold War, the Soviet Union built a secret biological weapons laboratory , some activities s that were in the highest secret from 1948 until 1992 date on which the island and its facilities were dismantled and abandoned.Scientific expeditions after 1992 have been able to verify that in their laboratories strains of anthrax , bubonic plague, typhus, Smallpox and other types of genetically modified diseases.


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